I do not give permission for any part of my site to be used for machine-generated, "AI", training. If you're a fan of that shit in general just leave!
This site is not intended for children! Strong language and heavy topics abound!
2023.10.22 Whatever I did in CSS actually DID work, nice.
2023.9.24 Happy Autumn Equinox! Added more junk+new icon in "about", realized I don't know how to change the text size and placement in the header bc whatever I did in CSS didn't work hahaaaaa.
2023.9.21 Text is a good size, fixed the background. Still want to figure out why the hell top and bottom margins are enormous. And how to work with columns.
2023.9.19 Happy National Talk-Like-A-Pirate-Day (USA)! The update is... I made an updates part on the front page. Previous paragraph will be edited a bit and put on the "about" page. Need to work on all the text sizes because ummm this is small.